These Indonesian Dishes Will Make You Rumbly In Your Tummy

By Prachi Agrawal

  ●   07 Jan 19


Food Hospitality


Indonesia is a great place to visit if you’re looking for some authentic culinary experience. From tasty soups to meat dishes, it offers a range of food options to choose from. Here’s a list of some of the must try dishes from the country.


5 Must Try Dishes in Indonesia



gadogadoIf you’re looking for something healthy as well as delicious gado-gado is the best option for you. It’s a kind of Indonesian vegetable salad that usually consists of either boiled or steamed veggies varnished with peanut sauce. It is generally served along with compressed rice cakes and is enough to satiate your appetite of a nutritious diet.


Sayur Asem

sayur asemSayur Asem translates to sour soup. It is made up of corn, long beans, chayote and peanuts that are marinated in spice-rich broth. The soup is served as a side dish with meat or fish.



wokuWoku is a special dish from Sulawesi region in Indonesia. Some parts of fish and/or chicken are boiled with a particular sauce made of spices and herbs. The taste is delicious and certainly worth every penny spent.


Sop Konro

sop konroIt’s an Indonesian soup prepared with beef ribs in juicy, aromatic broth in various flavours. Its cooking process is quite long and because of this it becomes easier to remove the meat from the rib bones and savour its exotic taste with the yummy soup.


Soto Betawi

soto-betawiSoto is traditionally prepared Indonesian broth. There are many varieties of Soto in Indonesia but Soto Betawi is the most preferred among them. It has beef meat and innards with a creamy broth. The creamy broth that gives it a uniqe taste is made of coconut and cow’s milk, and some spices.


I bet you feel a little rumbly in your tummy!


Prachi Agrawal

A passionate writer with unsatiated love for stars and travelling. She loves writing and performing poetry and when she isn't doing either, you can find her binge watching Korean drama.

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These Indonesian Dishes Will Make You Rumbly In Your Tummy